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- /*************************************************************************
- ** mmu.library **
- ** **
- ** a system library for arbitration and control of the MC68K MMUs **
- ** **
- ** © 1998-2000 THOR-Software, Thomas Richter **
- ** No commercial use, reassembly, modification without prior, written **
- ** permission of the authors. **
- ** Including this library in any commercial software REQUIRES a **
- ** written permission and the payment of a small fee. **
- ** **
- **---------------------------------------------------------------------**
- ** mmu.library prototypes **
- ** Version 43.1 16.09.2001 **
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef EXEC_LISTS_H
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #endif
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef MMU_CONTEXT_H
- #include <mmu/context.h>
- #endif
- void *AllocAligned(ULONG bytesize,ULONG reqments,ULONG alignment);
- struct MinList *GetMapping(struct MMUContext *);
- void ReleaseMapping(struct MMUContext *,struct MinList *);
- void SetPropertyList(struct MMUContext *,struct MinList *);
- void TouchPropertyList(struct MinList *);
- ULONG GetPageSize(struct MMUContext *);
- ULONG RemapSize(struct MMUContext *);
- char GetMMUType(void);
- void LockMMUContext(struct MMUContext *);
- void UnlockMMUContext(struct MMUContext *);
- LONG AttemptLockMMUContext(struct MMUContext *);
- void LockContextList(void);
- void UnlockContextList(void);
- LONG AttemptLockContextList(void);
- BOOL SetPropertiesA(struct MMUContext *,ULONG flags,ULONG mask,ULONG lower,
- ULONG size,struct TagItem *tags);
- BOOL SetProperties(struct MMUContext *,ULONG flags,ULONG mask,ULONG lower,
- ULONG size,unsigned long tag1type, ... );
- ULONG GetPropertiesA(struct MMUContext *,ULONG lower,struct TagItem *tags);
- ULONG GetProperties(struct MMUContext *,ULONG lower,
- unsigned long tag1type, ... );
- BOOL RebuildTree(struct MMUContext *);
- BOOL RebuildTreesA(struct MMUContext **);
- BOOL RebuildTrees(struct MMUContext *, ... );
- BOOL SetPagePropertiesA(struct MMUContext *,ULONG flags,ULONG mask,
- ULONG lower,struct TagItem *tags);
- BOOL SetPageProperties(struct MMUContext *,ULONG flags,ULONG mask,
- ULONG lower,unsigned long tag1type, ... );
- ULONG GetPagePropertiesA(struct MMUContext *,ULONG lower,
- struct TagItem *tags);
- ULONG GetPageProperties(struct MMUContext *,ULONG lower,
- unsigned long tag1type, ... );
- struct MMUContext *CreateMMUContextA(struct TagItem *tags);
- struct MMUContext *CreateMMUContext(unsigned long tag1type, ... );
- BOOL DeleteMMUContext(struct MMUContext *);
- void *AllocLineVec(ULONG bytesize,ULONG reqments);
- ULONG PhysicalPageLocation(struct MMUContext *,ULONG logical);
- struct MMUContext *SuperContext(struct MMUContext *);
- struct MMUContext *DefaultContext(void);
- struct MMUContext *CurrentContext(struct Task *);
- struct MMUContext *EnterMMUContext(struct MMUContext *,struct Task *);
- struct MMUContext *LeaveMMUContext(struct Task *);
- struct ExceptionHook *AddContextHookA(struct TagItem *tags);
- struct ExceptionHook *AddContextHook(unsigned long tag1type, ... );
- void RemContextHook(struct ExceptionHook *);
- struct ExceptionHook *AddMessageHookA(struct TagItem *tags);
- struct ExceptionHook *AddMessageHook(unsigned long tag1type, ... );
- void RemMessageHook(struct ExceptionHook *);
- void ActivateException(struct ExceptionHook *);
- void DeactivateException(struct ExceptionHook *);
- void DMAInitiate(struct MMUContext *,void **,ULONG *,BOOL);
- void DMATerminate(struct MMUContext *);
- ULONG PhysicalLocation(struct MMUContext *,void **,ULONG *);
- ULONG WithoutMMU(unsigned long (*userFunction)(void) );
- ULONG RunOldConfig(unsigned long (*userFunction)(void) );
- void SetBusError(void (*handler)(void), void (**oldhandler)(void) );
- ULONG GetMMUContextData(struct MMUContext *,ULONG tag_id );
- void SetMMUContextDataA(struct MMUContext *,struct TagItem * );
- void SetMMUContextData(struct MMUContext *, unsigned long tag1type , ... );
- struct MinList *NewMapping(void);
- BOOL CopyMapping(struct MinList *, struct MinList *,ULONG base,ULONG len,ULONG mask);
- struct MinList *DupMapping(struct MinList *);
- BOOL CopyContextRegion(struct MMUContext *, struct MinList *,ULONG base,ULONG len,ULONG mask);
- BOOL SetPropertiesMapping(struct MMUContext *, struct MinList *,ULONG base,ULONG len,ULONG mask);
- int SetMappingPropertiesA(struct MinList *,ULONG flags,ULONG mask,ULONG lower,ULONG size,struct TagItem *);
- int SetMappingProperties(struct MinList *,ULONG flags,ULONG mask,ULONG lower,ULONG size,unsigned long tag1type, ... );
- ULONG GetMappingPropertiesA(struct MinList *,ULONG lower,struct TagItem *);
- ULONG GetMappingProperties(struct MinList *,ULONG lower,unsigned long tag1type,...);
- ULONG BuildIndirect(struct MMUContext *,ULONG adr,ULONG props);
- void SetIndirect(ULONG *dest,ULONG logical, ULONG desc);
- void SetIndirectArray(ULONG *dest,ULONG *descr,ULONG num);
- void GetIndirect(struct MMUContext *,struct AbstractDescriptor *,ULONG *addr);
- ULONG GetPageUsedModified(struct MMUContext *,ULONG lower);
- #endif